The story of the film begins with Sachidanandan (Mohanlal), who is released after 24 years of his life. Sachi's younger brother Manu (Sharjano Khalid) releases Sachi using Edwin Moses. Sachidanandan went to jail before Manu was born for accidentally killing to save his stepmother and his brother from an attack. During his life in the juvenile home, Sachidanandan committed a second murder to save his friends from a sadistic police officer. As a result, he is punished for solitary confinement. Sachidanandan has a special ability to see in the dark. Sachidanandan's ability is used by the police as a commando for many prisoner group commando operations. When he gets out of jail, Vendantham, IPS (Arbaaz Khan) seeks Sachidanandan's help, but Sachidanandan refuses. Since, he wants a peaceful life. However, Sachidanandan finds it hard to get himself out of troubles.
After a loop of troubles , the drug lord whom the police is none other than Vedantham. He ran a drug empire as Edwin Moses. Edwin kills Khan (Tini Tom) and Pareekkar(Irshad). A angry Sachi blasts the container of drugs which belonged to Edwin. Then , he dies under the hand of Sachi. In the post-credits , it is shown that Sachi has returned to the habits which he used to do in his jail term.
Directed by : Siddique
Produced by : Siddique, Jenso Jose, Philipose K. Joseph, Manu Maliackal, Vaishak Rajan
Written by : Siddique
Starring : Mohanlal, Arbaaz Khan, Anoop Menon, Honey Rose, Vishnu Unnikrishnan, Sarjano Khalid, Mirnaa Menon, Siddique, Irshad, Gaadha
Music by : Deepak Dev
Cinematography : Jithu Damodar
Edited by : K. R. Gourishankar
Production company : S Talkies, Shaman International, Vaishaka Cynyma, Carnival Movie Network
Distributed by : S Talkies, Carnival Movie Network
Release date : 16 January 2020
Running time : 165 minutes
Country : India
Language : Malayalam