Muni 2: Kanchana (simply known as Kanchana) is a 2011 Tamil horror comedy film written, produced and directed by Raghava Lawrence as a sequel to his previous venture, Muni (2007) and the second film in the installment of Muni film series. The film features himself alongside Sarathkumar, and Lakshmi Rai in the lead roles, while Kovai Sarala, Devadarshini and Sriman play supporting roles.
The film revolves around Raghava, who is scared to venture outside gets possessed by a ghost and starts behaving weirdly. The ghost turns out to be a transgender woman who wants to take revenge on an MLA who murdered her and her family for land-grabbing. The film's cinematography and editing was handled by Vetri and Kishore Te. respectively. The film's soundtrack was composed by Thaman. The film's distribution rights were bought by Sri Thenandal Films.
The film released on 22 July 2011, while a dubbed same-titled Telugu version was released a week earlier in Andhra Pradesh. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the film became a commercial success in both languages. The film was remade in Kannada as Kalpana directed by Ramanarayanan. Was remade also in Sinhala as Maya in Sri Lanka and in Bengali as Mayabini starring Symon Sadik, Amit Hasan and Airin Sultanaand in Hindi as Laxmi Bomb.
Directed by : Raghava Lawrence
Produced by : Raghava Lawrence
Written by : Raghava Lawrence
Starring : Raghava Lawrence, R. Sarathkumar, Lakshmi Rai, Kovai Sarala, Devadarshini, Sriman
Music by : S. Thaman
Cinematography : Vetri & E. Krishnasamy
Edited by : Kishore Te.
Production company : Raghavendra Productions
Distributed by : Sri Thenandal Films (Tamil) & Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions (Telugu)
Release date : 22 July 2011
Running time : 170 minutes
Country : India
Language : Tamil